Jax follows Functional Programming
Works great with Pure Functions

For impure functions, it may produce unexpected results or errors.

Jax arrays

Numpy arrays are mutable, but jax arrays are immutable.
To modify the arrays we need to use a at syntax.

Alternate syntaxEquivalent In-place expression
x = x.at[idx].set(y)x[idx] = y
x = x.at[idx].add(y)x[idx] += y
x = x.at[idx].multiply(y)x[idx] *= y
x = x.at[idx].divide(y)x[idx] /= y
x = x.at[idx].power(y)x[idx] **= y
x = x.at[idx].min(y)x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)
x = x.at[idx].max(y)x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)
x = x.at[idx].apply(ufunc)ufunc.at(x, idx)
x = x.at[idx].get()x = x[idx]

None of the x.at expressions modify the original x; instead they return a modified copy of x. However, inside a jit() compiled function, expressions like x = x.at[idx].set(y) are guaranteed to be applied in-place.
Every function can take some optional parameters mentioned here

Out of bound index

Raising an error from code running on an accelerator can be difficult or impossible. Therefore, JAX must choose some non-error behavior for out of bounds indexing (akin to how invalid floating point arithmetic results in NaN)

e.g. reading the closest in-bound element, skipping write operations on out-of-bound elements
You can use the optional parameters of ndarray.at to get finer control


Just in time compilar for JAX
We can use @jit annotation above any jax-python function to be compiled

Read more on JIT in my medium blog


 using the static_argnums argument to jit, we can specify to trace on concrete values of some arguments

If you know that one of the inputs is not needed after the computation, and if it matches the shape and element type of one of the outputs, you can specify that you want the corresponding input buffer to be donated to hold an output.

def add(x, y):
  return x + y
x = jax.device_put(np.ones((2, 3)))
y = jax.device_put(np.ones((2, 3)))
# Execute `add` with donation of the buffer for `y`. The result has
# the same shape and type as `y`, so it will share its buffer.
z = jax.jit(add, donate_argnums=(1,))(x, y)

Static vs Traced operations


  • Just as values can be either static or traced, operations can be static or traced.
  • Static operations are evaluated at compile-time in Python; traced operations are compiled & evaluated at run-time in XLA.
  • Use numpy for operations that you want to be static; use jax.numpy for operations that you want to be traced.

Vectorised Evaluation

Runs given JAX program across

  1. Multiple threads in GPU/TPU
  2. Multiple threads in CPU
    Implemented using jax.vmap
    The available device to execute can be found out using jax.local_devices

If “N” number of nested vmap are applied on a function, then the function can be run on an array with N-dimensions.
At each vmap you can also specify which dimension to vectorize on.

Parallel Evaluation (Single Host)

JAX for single-program, multiple-data (SPMD) code.

Single program running on the host (CPU), input data is distributed across connected local devices (multiple GPUs or TPUs), and output from all devices is returned back to host CPU.

Implemented using jax.pmap
jax.pmap can also be combined with jax.vmap to run vectorised code across multiple threads inside each GPU/TPU


  1. Input data which is to be shared across multiple devices needs to be batched i.e. the size of first dimension of the array = number of local device

Distributed Evaluation (Multi Host)


Running single-program, multiple-data (SPMD) code, on multi-host (multi-CPU) clusters


  • Need to mannually run one JAX process per host (CPU) . Each process runs independently in a multi-controller mode.

  • Must initialize the cluster with jax.distributed.initialize() (similar to MPI_Init())

Local vs Global Devices

A process’s local devices are those that it can directly address and launch computations on.
You can see a process’s local devices via jax.local_devices() .

The global devices are the devices across all processes. You can see all available global devices via jax.devices()

A process’s local devices are always a subset of the global devices.

Communication across devices

  1. Use collective communication operations (e.g. jax.lax.psum() ) in multi-process settings. This will take care of all local/global device communications.
  2. Other communication methods depending on your use case (e.g. RPC, mpi4jax).

MPI equivalent functions

  1. jax.process_index: Returns the integer process index i.e. rank of this process.
  2. jax.process_count: Returns the number of JAX processes associated with the backend i.e. size.

CUDA for Custom operations for GPUs

 JAX allows users to define custom operations for GPUs (single or multi)

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Convolutions in JAX

Image convolutions using functions present in jax.numpy, jax.scipy and jax.lax

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Shard map

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