Pure Functions

Its just a way to write methods.

In Mathematics, functions always produce the same output for a given set of inputs.

In Functional Programming world, a pure function:

  1. For a given input, will always produce the same output.
  2. should not produce any Side-effects

Have have look the function add in following example:

Remember: We are just going to understand what a pure function can / can not do. The “logic” and the “effect/output” across all the code snippet will vary

y = 5
def add(x):
 y += x 
# function calls
add(5); # y == 10
add(5); # y == 15 
# same input, different output
# not allowed in FP

The issue is that the function is dependent on/modifying a state which is outside its own scope.
This is an example of Side-effect

What about the following implementation of add ?

def add (x, y){
 return x + y
y = 5
# function calls
add(y, 5); # 10
add(y, 5); # 10
# same input, same output

All good right?
Now let’s do a slight modification

def add ( x, y) {
 return x + y
y = 5
# function calls
add(y, 5); # 10
# 100 lines of code
y = 20 # oh no somebody changed the variable
# 100 lines of code
add(y, 5); # 25
# same input, different output

The issue is that the original variable y is mutable. And it will be hard to see where the y is getting mutated if you have 100s of lines of code in between.

To solve this, make all variables immutable
Every function will always return a new variable or copy of the existing variable.

You can see the issue here, COPIES !!

Consider an example:

def update (arr, index, value): # arr is immutable
 new_arr = arr # need to make a mutable copy of arr
 new_arr[index] = valu
 return new_arr

So just to modify a single value, we need to create a deep copy of the whole input array.

This looks insane, but in reality, Functional Programming languages implement
persistent_data_structures, which can avoid deep copies and perform efficiently.