Transport Layer Security

TLS 1.2

Main reference: RFC5246

Also see TLS Cypher Suites for more information on standard algorithms used in TLS for various cryptographic purposes (hashing, encryption, signing)

The overall flow of TLS 1.2 Handshake is given below:

  Client                                          Server
      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      {Finished}                   -------->
                                   <--------           {Finished}
      {Application Data}           <------->   {Application Data}
             Figure 1.  Message flow for a full handshake
 * Indicates optional or situation-dependent messages that are not
 always sent.
 {} Indicates messages protected using the master key derived after
 a successful handshake
   Note: To help avoid pipeline stalls, ChangeCipherSpec is an
   independent TLS protocol content type, and is not actually a TLS
   handshake message.

Reference slightly modified

Hello messages

ClientHello and ServerHello contain a 28-byte long random (generated using PRNG) which adds randomness to each handshake. This random is later used in

  1. Deriving digital signature using server’s private key corresponding to public key in the certificate
  2. Deriving the master key
  3. Finished message

Server side

Server shares its x_509 certificate which contains a public key and metadata about the server (website name, org name etc). Since a certificate is signed using the Public Key Infrastructure, client can be sure that the public key really belongs to the server that it is connecting to.

In case of ephemeral diffie-hellman (DHE or ECDHE) KeyExchangeAlgorithm, server needs to send its temporary DH params or ServerDHParams. This is done using ServerKeyExchange message.
The structure of ServerKeyExchange is as follow:

struct {
   select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
    // anonymous key exchange, no auhentication from any side
    case dh_anon:
    case ecdh_anon:
     ServerDHParams params;
    // ephemeral key-exchange algorithms
    case dhe_dss:
    case dhe_rsa:
    case ecdhe_rsa:
    case ecdhe_ecdsa:
     ServerDHParams params;
     digitally-signed struct {
      opaque client_random[32];
      opaque server_random[32];
      ServerDHParams params;
     } signed_params;
    // static key-exchange algorithms
    case rsa:
    case dh_dss:
    case dh_rsa:
    case ecdh_rsa:
    case ecdh_ecdsa:
     struct {} ; /* message is omitted */
  } ServerKeyExchange;

Reference slightly modified based on TLSECC

To prevent MITM attacks, a digital signature signed_params is sent in the ServerKeyExchange message. In signed_params, the 2 randoms sent in Hello messages along with server’s DH params are signed using the private key corresponding to the public key present in the server’s certificate.
The signed_params signature is omitted when performing an Anonymous TLS connection.

The entire ServerKeyExchange message is omitted when KeyExchangeAlgorithm is static in nature i.e. uses long stored public-private keys, since (ideally) only the server has access to the “private key” / “private params” corresponding to “public key” / “public params” in the certificate. Without the private key, MITM attacks are difficult.

Typically in TLS only server authentication takes place. If server also wants client to authenticate itself (given that client holds a x_509 certificate of its own), the server can send CertificateRequest message.

Finally, ServerHelloDone message is sent to denote end of server side messages.

Client side

If server sends CertificateRequest, client sends its own x_509 certificate to the server.
If the client sends a certificate containing a static diffie-hellman exponent (i.e., it is doing fixed_dh client authentication), then both client and server generate the same pre-master secret at every handshake. (refer). This is fast, but really not recommended as we completely lose Forward Secrecy. In fixed_dh, ClientKeyExchange message is empty and CertificateVerify message is not sent.
If the client sends a certificate containing RSA public key, then client uses the corresponding RSA private key to sign the CertificateVerify message.

If the agreed upon KeyExchangeAlgorithm is RSA, then client generates a random 46-byte PreMasterSecret, and encrypts it using server's RSA public key present in the server’s certificate (refer). The ClientKeyExchange message contains this RSA EncryptedPreMasterSecret.

If the agreed upon KeyExchangeAlgorithm is one of the “Diffie-Hellman”s (excluding fixed_dh), then ClientKeyExchange contains the client side public parameters of the diffie-hellman. (refer)

The CertificateVerify is sent to provide explicit verification of a client certificate (if it is sent in the first place). It contains a digital signature over all the handshake messages sent till now (including this message). The digital signature is signed using the private key corresponding to the public key present in the client certificate.

Derivation of master key


The pre_master_secret is either

  1. A PRNG generated by client in case of RSA key exchange mode
  2. The shared secret generated after (any of the) Diffie-Hellman key exchanges

For all key exchange methods, the same algorithm is used to convert
the pre_master_secret into the master_secret.

master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, "master secret",
    ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)[0..47];

The master_secret is always exactly 48 bytes in length.

The psuedorandom function (PRF) is defined here

Start of encryption

The encryption starts only after ChangeCipherSpec is called. Till then none of the data is encrypted by any means.

The Finished is the first message that is encrypted using the decided encryption algorithm and the master_secret

The structure of finished message is like this (refer)

struct {
   opaque verify_data[verify_data_length];
} Finished;
 PRF(master_secret, finished_label, Hash(handshake_messages))
 For Finished messages sent by the client, the string
 "client finished".  For Finished messages sent by the server,
 the string "server finished".

Since Finished message’s input contains an hash over the entire handshake messages, this guarantees that the handshake messages seen by both client and server are exactly same.

After Finished messages, both client and server can talk to each other using encrypted medium.

TLS 1.3

Main reference: RFC8446

The TLS 1.3 Handshake is given below:

       Client                                           Server
Key  ^ ClientHello
Exch | + key_share*
     | + signature_algorithms*
     | + psk_key_exchange_modes*
     v + pre_shared_key*       -------->
                                                  ServerHello  ^ Key
                                                 + key_share*  | Exch
                                            + pre_shared_key*  v
                                        {EncryptedExtensions}  ^  Server
                                        {CertificateRequest*}  v  Params
                                               {Certificate*}  ^
                                         {CertificateVerify*}  | Auth
                                                   {Finished}  v
                               <--------  [Application Data*]
     ^ {Certificate*}
Auth | {CertificateVerify*}
     v {Finished}              -------->
       [Application Data]      <------->  [Application Data]
              +  Indicates noteworthy extensions sent in the
                 previously noted message.
              *  Indicates optional or situation-dependent
                 messages/extensions that are not always sent.
              {} Indicates messages protected using keys
                 derived from a [sender]_handshake_traffic_secret.
              [] Indicates messages protected using keys
                 derived from [sender]_application_traffic_secret_N.


Above diagram pretty much summarises everything we need to know about how handshake takes place.

TLS 1.3 heavily relies on Extensions, as they are present in ClientHello, ServerHello and other messages.

Since client sends either a key_share or pre_shared_key (or both) along with the ClientHello message (1st message), server has all the data necessary to generate shared secrets and start encrypting its messages. Once server sends its key_share or pre_shared_key , client has all the data to generated shared secrets.
Thus TLS 1.3 is done within 1 round-trip (1-RTT) instead of 2-RTT in TLS 1.2

TLS 1.3 added an improved Pre-shared Key (PSK) mechanism, which can be used for session resumptions. Addition of PSK also enables a zero-RTT mode.

TLS 1.3 has removed static RSA and static DH based key-exchange mechanisms (see Support in TLS). All handshakes provide Forward Secrecy. All key exchanges (except when using PSK) take place using Ephemeral Finite/Elliptical Diffie-Hellman.

In Ephemeral key-exchanges cases, server must authenticate itself using Certificate and CertificateVerify messages.
The Certificate message contains servers x_509 certificate, which contains the public key using one of the Digital Signature Algorithm like RSA, ECDSA or EdDSA.
The CertificateVerify message contains a signature, over the hash of entire handshake message upto that point, generated using the private key corresponding to the public key in the certificate..

Unlike TLS 1.2, the handshake messages after server key exchange are encrypted with keys derived from a set of 11 secrets. Refer to section 7.1 to see list of all the secrets (with how they are derived) and also section 7.3 to see how the key and iv (required for AES or ChaCha20) are derived from those secrets.

All key derivation processes use new HKDF over the existing PRF.