
Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python
Alternative to setuptools


Poetry should always be installed in a dedicated virtual environment to isolate it from the rest of your system

Official Installer

Official installer (recommended) with curl can work on all devices:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

See advanced section in Official installer for configuration option
This has no depedencies on any other thing. But it stores all the binaries (including python), might take larger space

With pipx

pipx installs packages in their own isolated virtual envrironment, typically under ~/.local/pipx/envs .
pipx itself depends upon a python interpreter, so it will use (symlink) one of the python installed in system.
Poetry installed from pipx will “try” to reuse (i.e. if version is supported) the already existing python, thus reducing the space taken. BUT site-packages will be kept seprately from the parent python.

# on mac
brew install pipx # will use python from brew's installed python
# on linux
pip install pipx # pipx will use the python corresponding to pip
pipx install poetry # will re-use pipx's python

Basic usage

pyproject.toml file in your python project will contain all the configuration regarding poetry.
Link to doc on the config inside toml file

Poetry configuration

Poetry (itself) can be configured via the poetry config command (see more about its usage here)
The config can be global or local (--local) to the project
Global config file is typicall present under ~/.config/pypoetry. See default directories
See config doc.


See poetry env doc.
By default, for every new project, Poetry creates a virtual environment in {cache-dir}/virtualenvs.
You can turn off this behaviour, although I feel having different environements per project is a plus.
The poetry config virtualenvs.in-project can be set to true to create virtual environments within your project directory.
The poetry env command can be used to modify the environment of the current project

Managing project with Poetry

To create a new project managed with poetry : poetry new project-dir-name
Above command will create a template project structure with default pyproject.toml file.

To manage existing project

cd pre-existing-project
poetry init

poetry init This will start an interactive cli where you can specify all the main configs, add dependencies etc. Finally it will generate pyproject.toml file

Depedency management

Main doc: https://python-poetry.org/docs/dependency-specification/

To add a new dependency to the project: poetry add <dependency>
By default it will search the dependency in pypi , and ask user to choose the correct package and version interatively. Then it will update pyproject.toml
Once added, it will also install the dependency in the poetry’s virtual environment

The dependencies can be of type pipy packages, git urls, web urls, local paths, or even tarballs.
For versioning, there are different constraints which one can apply for dependencies, such as Caret, Tilde etc. each with a specific rule.

In the pyproject.toml file
[tool.poetry.dependencies] specify the project’s cumpulsory dependencies
[tool.poetry.extras] specify the “extra” dependencies, similar to setuptools extras_require
Please refer https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#extras for more info on extras

Enabling CLI scripts for the project

Poetry can build your project to be run as a CLI application

Read more: https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#scripts

Dependency groups

Poetry provides a way to organize your dependencies by groups.
To declare a new dependency group, use a tool.poetry.group.<group> section where <group> is the name of your dependency group (for instance, test):
When adding a new dependency, we can use poetry add --group <group> <dependencies> to specify the group

Things to note:

  1. Dependencies listed in dependency groups cannot be specified as extras (as in setuptools extras_require). Extras is different.

  2. All dependencies must be compatible with each other across groups since they will be resolved regardless of whether they are required for installation or not (see Installing group dependencies).

  3. The default set of dependencies for a project includes the implicit main group defined in tool.poetry.dependencies as well as all groups that are not explicitly marked as an optional group.

  4. By default, dependencies across all non-optional groups will be installed when executing poetry install. The options --with , --without and --only can be used to specify particular groups to be installed/not-installed

  5. Installing dependencies present in non- main groups is only possible by using Poetry i.e. with the pyproject.toml file. They are not exported when packaging. Treat them as development dependencies.

Synchronising Deps with .lock file

Poetry supports what’s called dependency synchronization.
Dependency synchronization ensures that the locked dependencies in the poetry.lock file are the only ones present in the environment, removing anything that’s not necessary.

This is done by using the --sync option of the install command:

poetry install --sync