
The Docker ecosystem provides lot of UX enhancing features like the docker-cli, and extra features like image building (dockerfile), image transfers, high level network and storage, etc.

The containerd works at a level lower than docker. The docker relies on containerd for some things like container execution and supervision, low-level storage and network.

The podman is a tool developed by redhat, which relies on other third party open-source libraries (e.g. containers/image, containers/storage), and provides all of the commonly used features of docker and containerd combined.

Podman internally uses libpod library. Visit this for list of all the open source libraries podman depends on.

The podman cli takes inspiration from docker-cli, and can act as drop-in replacement (alias docker=podman)

Differences with Docker

Client-server vs fork-exec

The main difference is, while docker and containerd follow a client-server (server being a daemon) model and use gRPC to communicate, podman uses traditional fork-exec model to start containers
Since there is no daemon (system service) running all the time in background, podman runs “daemonless” and “rootless”

Integration with k8s

Other thing is docker has cri-docker, containerd has cri pluging, but CRI is not in the scope of podman. So a k8s kubelet can not use podman for container management.
See the scope of podman and also what’s out of scope in the same readme.

BTS of rootless podman

Refer: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/behind-scenes-podman?intcmp=7013a0000025wJwAAI

Namespaces in podman

Namespaces in podman: https://youtu.be/Ac2boGEz2ww


/etc/subuid: holds number of subordinate uids (subuids) that a user can create in its own namespace. This file contains list of all users and their subuids
Typically its stored as:

username/UID:starting subUID:range of subUID




/proc/$$/uid_map: for a given process, this virtual file stores the UID mapping between current namespace and parent namespace
This uid mapping depends on which user started the parent process (in our case the container) (among other things)
Typically its stored as

ID-inside-ns ID-outside-ns length

e.g. Following is present in /proc/self/uid_map, where self points to current process

0 1000 1
1 100000 65535

1st line indicates that,
inside: namespace starts at UID 0 (root for the container)
outside: namespace starts at UID 1000 (UID of the user who executed it)

So UID 0 in the container maps to UID 1000 outside the container

2nd line Indicates that,
inside: namespace starts at UID 1
outside: namespace starts at UID 100000
So mapping is as follow: UID 1 UID 100000 ; UID 4000 UID 103999 and so on

Relevent commands



Launches a process (command passed as argument OR by default $SHELL) in a new user namespace.
The user namespace is configured so that the invoker user’s UID and primary GID appear to be UID 0 and GID 0, respectively. ==Any ranges which match that user and group in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid are also mapped in as themselves== with the help of the newuidmap(1) and newgidmap(1) helpers
Assuming the current user is 1000, and /etc/subuid has following records:


Then, running following command

podman unshare

will execute $SHELL and create a new shell with the namespace of current user i.e. 1000
The /proc/self/uid_map should look like:

0 1000 1 
1 100000 65535

So whatever commands you run in the new shell, it will look like you are running them as the root (although you are actually running them as user 1000)

podman unshare is useful for troubleshooting unprivileged operations and for manually clearing storage and other data related to images and containers.