Networking in containers

Virtual Ethernet Pair (veth)

When you start a Docker container, Docker creates a pair of connected virtual Ethernet devices (a “veth” pair). One end of this pair is attached to the container as its network interface (usually eth0 inside the container), and the other end is attached to the host’s network namespace.

sudo ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1

This command creates two virtual network interfaces, veth0 and veth1. These two interfaces are connected, so packets sent to veth0 will appear on veth1 and vice versa.

By default, a new process inherits namespaces from its parents.
Docker typically sets namespaces for the virtual ethernet inside a container.
To create new network namspace,
ip netns add s1

To set the namespace of the veth0 (one end of the pair) to s1 ,
ip link set veth0 netns s1

Bridge network interface

Acts as a virtual switch
Other virtual interfaces connect to bridge, and they can inherit network settings like IP range from the bridge interface

sudo ip link set veth0 master br0
This command adds veth0 to the br0 bridge interface, making veth0 a port of the bridge.

To show all bridge interfaces,
bridge link show

To see which veths are connected to a bridge interface docker0,
`brctl show docker0

When you create a new network using docker network create ..., docker creates a new bridge interface.

Although bridge interfaces (like docker0) can act as regular virtual ethernets, docker does not attach containers directly to the bridge interfaces created by it, due to:

  1. Network Isolation:
  2. Flexibility: By using a veth pair, Docker can easily connect containers to different network namespaces, bridges, or even overlay networks without needing to modify the container or the host’s network interfaces.
  3. Scalability: This model allows Docker to manage multiple containers on a host, each with its own isolated network stack, while still allowing communication through the docker0 bridge or other Docker networks.

MACvlans and IPvlans

