Advanced git log

Install tldr
Run tldr git log, you will get enough commands

Formatting output

Graph output: git log --oneline --decorate --graph

For diffs: git log --stat , git log -p

For grouping logs w.r.t authors, git shortlog

Custom formatting: git log --pretty=format:"%cn committed %h on %cd"

Filtering history

Limit output to last n commits: git log -3

by date: git log --before="yesterday" --after="2022-7-1"

by author: git log --author="james"

by commit message: git log --grep "commited"

by file: git log -- <filename>

by content: git log -S "hello world!"

show commits between range of refs : git log HEAD~4..main

only merge commits / all non-merge commits: git log --merges / --no-merges