
firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

There are many good online resources.
This note contains answers to the some of the questions that I had regarding firewall.

If firewall generally blocks all the ports, how are applications able to talk to internet?

  • Port Assignment: When your application (Application A) makes a request to, your operating system assigns an ephemeral port, say 54321, for the outgoing connection. This port is used as the source port for this particular connection.
  • Firewall typically allows all outbound connections by default i.e. connections initiated by your application acting as a “client”.
  • The port 54321 is not globally open to the internet just because your application is using it. The firewall only permits inbound traffic that matches the connection initiated by your application. Other unsolicited traffic trying to connect to port 54321 will be blocked by the firewall.
  • The firewall continues to protect the port from unauthorized access.
  • Once the application closes, the port is released, and it no longer accepts any traffic until it is reassigned by the OS to another application or connection.

What exactly happens when you open a port?

  1. You are telling firewall to allow incoming traffic via that port from the public network that your machine is connected to. This must be done if your machine is a “server” running applications like a web server (nginx) or ssh daemon (sshd).
  2. The server will only handle the data if
  3. there is a service actively listening on that port
  4. the service is capable of processing the incoming data according to the relevant protocol.
  5. Ports that do not have a corresponding service will not handle incoming data and will effectively ignore it.

What exactly is Forwarding a port?

Using tools like ssh you can also forward your local ports to the remote ports.

Say you forward localhost:8080 to the server (where sshd is running) port 8989.

Then, the ssh client running on your machine, will forward the requests made to your localhost:8080 to the server’s port 8989 .

If an application is running on the server, actively listening to port 8989 , it will process the incoming data and respond back to it using the same port 8989. Again, that responce will be sent back to your localhost:8080 by sshd .


  1. Wiki