Welcome to my “Digital Garden” 👩‍🌾

Personal knowledge base, a collection of everything I have learned.

I use obsidian and zettlr to manage my notes, and quartz to publish it online on my github.io website

Some of the knowledge I have gained as a part of e4r

I also write blogs derived from some of the notes present in this vault.

All the content of this website is present in raw markdown format in this repo

The published digital garden is hosted using github pages here


  1. AI
  2. Algorithms
  3. Computer Architecture
  4. Computer Networking
  5. C++ Programming
  6. Functional Programming
  7. Git
  8. High Performance Computing
  9. Linux OS
  10. Linux Container Ecosystem
  11. Mathematics
  12. Python Programming Language
  13. Security
  14. Writing

More to be added soon :)